Welcome to the next mission set of your child’s mentorship program with Moxie!
All Moxie learning missions are based on National Standards. National Education Standards are the learning goals for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Moxie’s mission sets are based on social-emotional learning standards developed by CASEL: https://casel.org/core-competencies/
Here’s a brief overview of what this mission set looks like:
The theme of this mission set is Being A Good Sport. Mentors will help Moxie learn about the importance of sportsmanship and how to be a good teammate.
The objective of this mission set is to help your child (mentor) and Moxie explore what being a good sport means. Included in this mission set are activities that help your child understand how to be humble when they win, graceful when they lose, and a great teammate all around.
There are seven missions in this set. These missions are designed to help children think deeper about the theme of being a good sport, and translate some of what they have learned into their everyday lives.
In this mission set, your child and their robot will work on the following activities:
- Talk about what it means to be a good sport through the context of a guessing game
- Help Knox’s sister manage her emotions after coming in second place
- Teach the Professor how to be a good sport when playing chess
- Help Knox stand up for himself and express his feelings
- Practice being a good sport by playing a game with family
- Analyze how others demonstrate good or bad sportsmanship
- Summarize what has been learned in this mission set
Each mission in this mission set is designed to align with specific social-emotional learning (SEL) goals:
- Identifying own emotions
- Understanding reasoning behind emotions in others
- Demonstrating honesty and integrity
- Showing good sportsmanship
Do you practice being a good sport during family game nights? How do you express yourself when you win versus when you lose? How do you resolve conflicts that may arise during game play? Consider how you can demonstrate good sportsmanship at home.
Help your child bring lessons learned with Moxie into everyday living by:
- Having a family game night and praising good sportsmanship when it occurs
- Pointing out examples of good sportsmanship in professional sports
- If your child is not already involved in a team sport, consider having them join a school team or local sports league. Skills on the field can translate into skills in life.
Common Sense Media: https://www.commonsensemedia.org
Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (Useful sections on friendship, problem solving, and emotions): http://www.ecmhc.org/index.html
Helpful Articles:
- https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=teaching-children-good-sportsmanship-1-4524
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/coaching-and-parenting-young-athletes/202107/the-psychology-coaching-your-own-child-in-sports
- https://devzone.positivecoach.org/resource/article/top-10-tips-sports-parents?_ga=2.235867016.884827589.1670608196-1616428919.1670608196